A passion for connecting nature, healing and humans through the magic of storytelling.

Magic and Medicine for the Mayhem.

The Weekly Podcast: Magic, Medicine and Mayhem

Since life is change and evolution, I want to be there to help guide you through it with a dash of magic and a pinch of earth-based medicine.

I’ll also be bringing nature to your doorstep, helping you connect intimately with its wisdom and applying it to your everyday life.

Of course, there will still be amazing stories of overcoming trauma and adversity–both from yours truly and your peers!

Listen on: Apple iTunes, Soundcloud, Spotify

The Free Crescent Moonletter

Subscribers to newsletter (sent out with each waxing crescent moon) receive:

-new podcast reminders


-updates and announcements

-monthly printable, fill-in-the blank affirmations inspired by the month’s full moon.

Coming in September: The Magic, Medicine and Mayhem Monthly (Paid)

Paid subscribers of Monthly Magic and Medicine will receive:

-Four Sunday Witchuals (short but sweet rituals, spells and Tarot spreads do each Sunday of the month)

-Reflections for the theme/animal, plant or tree teacher of the month

-A crafted-by-me guided meditation for the theme/animal, plant or tree teacher of the month

-All unpaid content (new podcast reminders, updates and announcements, freebies and printable fill-in-the-blank moon affirmations)

Intuitive Healing Services

The podcast is one of the key pillars of Sylva Florence, Intuitive healer.

Combining elements of Shamanism, Reiki, Tarot and more–always grounded in nature and with the help of its generous wisdom–Sylva provides an array of one-on-one sessions, online group experiences and much more.

Monthly Group Healing Sessions

Monday, June 24th at 7,30 pm CEST*

This session is a great place to start if you:

  • Feel stuck or a bit lost
  • Are anxious or fearful
  • Need healing in any area of the body (mental, physical, emotional, spiritual)
  • Simply want to relax and find peace
  • Want to experience more everyday magic
  • Wish to reconnect or strengthen your connection with nature and its cycles
  • Would like to feel a sense of community

I just ask that you come as you are and pay what you can.

*IMPORTANT: These sessions will go forward with three or more participants, so please make sure to RSVP.

A Sense of Community

Join the conversation and cultivate community by following Sylva and the podcast.

-Instagram: #magicmedicineandmayhem

-Instagram: #sylva_florence

Facebook podcast page for medicinemagicandmayhem

Facebook for Sylva Florence, Intuitive Healer

If this podcast resonates with you, don’t forget to rate, review and share on Apple iTunes.

Intuitive Healer. Writer. Podcaster.

  • Learn more about Sylva

Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic.

-Albus Dumbledore (J.K. Rowling)

“I urge each and every one of you to take a moment and listen to this incredible podcast. It’s a testament to the power of storytelling and the importance of supporting one another during challenging times. Together, let’s lend our ears and hearts to this profound narrative.”


Intimacy Coach

Feeling inspired and empowered? Don’t forget to rate, review and share!

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